Malcolm Bell Installed as Master
Rose and Thistle Lodge of Mark Master Masons No.158
On Wednesday 11th April, Bro. Malcolm Bell was excellently installed into the chair of Rose & Thistle Mark Lodge No.158 by the Installing Master, W.Bro. Arthur Pettit. The representative of the Rt.W.PGM was W.Bro. Victor Henry Norris, PGJW who commented on the excellent manner in which he had been installed.
W.Bro. Victor Norris, PrGJW with Malcolm Bell WM
Also in attendance was R.W.Bro. James Anthony Harrison, GJE, PDPGM, V.W. Bro, Kenneth Alker, PGJO and V.W.Bro. Terrence Maybury, PGJO. The address to the Master was deliver excellently by W.Bro. Derek Todd, PPrGJW, the address to the Wardens by V.W.Bro. Terrence Maybury, PGJO and the address to the Overseers by W.Bro. David Porter, PPrJGD.
W.Bro. Victor Norris, PrGJW, Malcolm Bell and W.Bro. Arthur Pettit
Malcolm Bell presented cheques to W.Bro. Norris of £200 to West Lancs Mark Charity, £200 to Pemberton Masonic Hall and £200 to Christie Hospital.
Words and pictures by Chris Furmston, DC, PAGStdB